
Zoey's songs

Zoey loves to sing her ABC's all day long. And its not very quite. This morning had a different take on it. "ABCDEFG Mom, HIJKLMNOP Mom, QRSTUVWXYZ Zoey". She knows them so wel I am very proud of her. I try to get her to sing them for the camera but she ends up wanting to instead of doing it. Another on of her favorite songs she sings alot is "Wishing Well" from Snow White. If your'e not sure which one that is, it is at the very begining of the movie and the words that she sings in when Snow White actually sings into the wishing well and it echoes back to her. If I can find it, or have Zoey sing it for me I will definetly post it. SHe hasn't been cooperative when it comes to videos or pictures lately. Some how I will get something to share with all of you.

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